Brenda: Samuel, I am glad you have come to know Christ as your personal Savior. I wonder if you are the son of Lucille Bustamante? If so, you were in my family for a season. Keep on following the Lord. Richest blessings, Brenda | 31-May-08 69.202.30.x |
Terrell Huddleston: John, I hope that you will be given this message. I love you bro. You are such a blessing. The Spirit has brought us together for His will to further the Kingdom of Heaven. As I made a place for you at Thanksgiving, so I have hung an ornament on my tree for you and you again will have a place at my table as we celebrate the birth of Christ. Take Care my brother. Terrell | 09-Dec-07 76.2.20.x |
naveen: I am with you in spirit and i pray for you, jesus never lets us down. Praise the lord. Thank you. | 24-Nov-07 221.134.208.x |
Rachel: Mr John, I want to thank you so much for having this web site.. it showed me that John Adams is a believer and im so very proud of him.. If by any chance you get to talk with him please please let him know that my prayers are with him and with each and every other inmate there.. and also let him know that he is always in my thoughts.. Thanks and God Bless Rachel (Louisiana) | 16-Oct-07 209.209.210.x |
Martin and Joy <[email protected]>: Martin and I just previewed your site. May the Lord bless your endeavors as you walk by the Spirit. We pray for the day that there are no longer divisions in the Church and God's children can rise to the fullness of who they are in Christ and fullfill their callings. We, as children of our living Lord, have the ability to operate all nine manifestations of the Spirit, just as Paul did throughout the epistles. To wrestle against principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places (Eph. 6:12), we need the entire spiritual armor of God (Eph. 6:13-19). This is our battlefield and our opportunity for God's glory to be shown to a dark and perverse nation. We pray that "charity" (the love of God in the renewed mind in manifestation) abounds in your lives and ministry (I Cor. 13) and the Lord rewards you with the fruit of your labor. May God's faithful stand together to encourage each other. | 08-Sep-06 8.2.208.x |
Pastor Sylvia Alexander: <[email protected]> May our wonderful Lord Jesus Bless every one of you who log onto this wonderful site for Jesus. You will be blessed by reading the testimonies of these men of God. God is raising up warriors behind the walls to help young people not to go to prison. The mens lives you will read about in The Choice is Yours Program have been given new life in Christ Jesus. They are not the same men who went into prison. The Lord has changed their hearts and minds. Because they have been transformed by the power of God they can help you and your loved ones. I pray your hearts will be open to Jesus as you see what God can do in your life and in the life of others. God Bless You, Pastor Sylvia | 07-Sep-06 8.2.210.x |
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