The Choice Is Yours Program

"Todays Decisions are Tomorrows Realities"


We believe the Bible to be the word of God, inerrant and infallible, the final and absolute authority. We believe in one God externally existing in three persons: Father, Son And Holy Spirit born of a Virgin and is fully God and fully man. We believe Christ died for our sin's as an atoning substitute sacrifice, He arose bodily from the grave and has ascended to the Father. We believe that salvation is given by the Grace of God only through Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe in the personal return of King Jesus to Earth. We believe in eternal punishment for those who reject Jesus Christ. We believe in eternal blessedness for those forgiven of their sin's through the shed blood of Jesus the Christ. We believe in seeking the lost for winning them to the Lord Jesus Christ, through the power and the leading of the Holy Spirit.